
PC Repair

100% Guaranteed Work

Here at Commteck we take pride on our repair work. If you have an issue with your PC, Laptop or MAC, we can fix it. If for some reason your computer is not fixable, we will diagnose it and let you know what is wrong with it. From removing something as simple as a virus or malware, backing up your hard drive or fixing a setting on your computer, to Installing Windows or MAC OS, or replacing faulty parts and more, we can do it. Not only that, but we have one of the lowest rates in the valley for computer repairs. Contact us today and forget about your computer problems.

Diagnostics & Optimization

The techs at Commteck will diagnose your computer with some of the best Software and Hardware Diagnosatic tools available in the market. We understand that as time goes on, we install different applications and change settings to meet our needs. During this period things can start to slow down. When that happens its time to get your system optimized. We will make sure your system is tip top shape.

Remote Repair

Having a sluggish or broken computer at home or in your office does not mean you have to leave the comfort of your chair. We have the technology to connect to your PC and work our magic. We can diagnose your computer and fix most of the issues with our remote assistance software. We also provide easy forms of payment for your convenience.

Virus & Malware Removal

Computers do get sick. Some times a bad file, or clicking on the wrong link or website can get bugs into your PC. This can cause your computer to act in unpredictable ways and sluggish. You can end up paying hundreds of dollars to get the issue resolved. Commteck has partnered with 2 of the biggest personal and business Antivirus providers to provide our customers the solution they prefer.

Data Backup & Recovery

It is a very good practice to have a backup of your computer system, in case the unexpected happens. And lets be honest, the unexpected always happens when we least expect it. If you require a backup of your home or office system, let us know. Not only do we have some of the best and affordable backup software for personal use, but we have also partnered with Datto Backup for your Office Solutions.

House Call Repair

Nothing can be more irritating than having a computer that is not working well or is working slow, and having to disconnect the computer and drive it all the way to who knows where to get it fixed. We have a solution for that. We make house calls. Even in this time of pandemic, we make sure that we follow all safety protocols to make you feel safe on your own space.

Business Desktop Repair

Having issues with your computers in your office, don’t want to pay a full salary for an IT Administrator? We have the solution for that. Not only can we make office calls but we also have IT Managed Solutions. CLICK HERE to know more about our IT Managed Solutions.

Peripheral Repair

Lets be honest computers are not the only piece of technology you own, and if you are like 75% of users, you have a printer, scanner, mobile device, etc. Or maybe you just need someone to set it up for you. We can do both. All of our techs in Commteck are experts in peripheral and mobile repair.

MAC / Apple Repair

The use of other computers/desktop such as MAC is getting more common. And contrary to most people’s beliefs, these computers can also require repair. If you find yourself struggling with a MAC, give us a call. All of our techs are certified to work on apple/Mac devices.

Please contact us for a quote or an expedited Remote Repair